5 Panel Instant (Non-DOT) Urine Drug Test
As the name implies, this is an instant test and can yield results in as few as 2 hours.
These tests will be performed by LabCorp and Quest Diagnostic facilities (unless you are in the Kansas City Market and we will perform them in our Overland Park facility). If not available in your area, your test will be converted to a lab-based test and will take 48-72 hours to perform.
Negative Results will be emailed to you within about 2 hours. NON-Negative results will be sent to the lab for confirmation testing and results will be verified by a Medical Review Officer and sent to you in 48-72 hours.
Price $45
Lab-Based or Instant Test - Instant
Timeline: 48 to 72 hours for results
Sample Type: Urine
Drugs Tested
Amphetamines (including Methamphetamine & Ecstasy)
THC (Marijuana)
Cocaine (COC)
Opiates (Codeine, Morphine & Heroin)
PCP (Phencyclidine)

Opiates or Opium Drugs & Testing
Opiates and the Opioid Epidemic are common words in our society today. It is helpful to have a better understanding of what specifically these drugs are and to learn about the testing aspects. On the basic level, opiates are a class of drugs that derive from the Opium plant or are synthetic versions of these drugs. This class of drugs includes oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin or Lortab), codeine, morphine, heroin, and the synthetic version of fentanyl.
The opioid epidemic has gripped the United States over the past decade and derived from an over-promotion by drug manufacturers and loose prescribing practices by doctors. According to The National Institute on Drug Abuse between 2012 and 2020, opioid-involved overdose deaths rose from approximately 40,000 to 92,000. While awareness has been raised significantly and education is evolving, the use of opioids and the potential for overdose is still significant in the United States.
Not All Overdoses are Abuse
There is a tendency to assume that all overdose patients are abusers. While this may be the case, there are other reasons that patients can overdose:
Not taking the medication as prescribed because of misunderstandings or trying to get the pain under control
Mixing pain medications with alcohol or other dangerous medications
Mistaking medications and accidentally taking an opioid
How to Recognize Signs of Opioid Overdose
If an individual is overdosing on opioids, there are some recognizable signs and symptoms. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), you will likely witness the following:
Pale Face – their face is extremely pale and feels clammy
Their body is extremely limp
Fingertips & Lips – purple or blue color
Vomiting or gurgling sounds
Non-Responsive or not able to communicate
Breathing and/or heartbeat will be very slow or even stop
Treating Overdose

Signs & Indications that an Employee is Abusing Drugs
Frequent Absences & Tardiness
Frequent Health Issues or Sickness
Opioids & Benzodiazepines produce a sedative effect
Slurred Speech
Stimulants like Cocaine & Methamphetamines can cause high energy, shaking, and speaking fast
Alcohol can produce redness in the face, stumbling or balance issues and they can smell like alcohol
Work Performance has declined
Mood Changes that are significant or sudden
Hygiene has declined
Financial problems have developed